Let’s grow together

A new way to get your vegetables
for East Lothian

A farm that is run by the community and exists
to serve the community. Become a member by subscribing to our veg box and get local, naturally grown and spray free vegetables as well as creating jobs and improving soil health and biodiversity.

“This could (should!) be the future of farming in East Lothian”

Naomi Barnes, Director

Growing with nature

We don’t use sprays or chemicals. We use agroecological techniques to build soil health and grow super-healthy plants that are naturally resistant to pests and packed with nutrients
(not to mention flavour).

A community,
not just a farm

We are not for profit. Our farm run for the members (you!) As a member you don’t just get vegetables, you get to vote on how the farm develops, attend events and celebrations on the farm and learn how to grow vegetables using our cutting edge agroecological techniques.

Join our email list for news and updates and the chance to join our community

Tyninghame Community Farm will be launching in 2024. Sign up here for news and updates and the chance to sign up as a member.